Pork & Prawn Wonton Soup 鮮蝦大餛飩
Bak Kut Teh 肉骨茶
Shabu Shabu 單人美味小火鍋
Fried Rice 蛋炒飯
Pork Ramen 豚骨拉麵
Cantonese-style congee 廣東粥底
Budae Hot Pot 部隊鍋
Pork & Prawn Wonton Soup 鮮蝦大餛飩
Pork & Prawn Wonton Soup
A. For the wonton dumplings
(makes around 36 small ones) :
- Small wonton pastry wrappers.... 36
- Cooked and shelled prawns.....150g
- Lean pork mince......... 150g
- Meat Soup Powder........1tbsp
- White pepper ..........1tbsp
- Sugar ............. 1tbsp
- Rice wine ........... 1tbsp
- Green onions (finely chopped) ...2 cups
- Grated ginger .......... 1tbsp
- Water ............ 2 cups
B. For the soup :
- Pork stock...........1.5 liters
(made by 15g Meat Soup Powder with 1.5 liters water) - Roughly sliced pak choi..... 1/2 cups
- Sliced shiitake mushroom caps .. 1/2 cups
- Egg yolk ............. 1
Toasted sesame oil........ 1 tsp - White pepper.......... some
- Onions (finely chopped)...... 1 cup
Instructions :
- Remove the wonton wrappers from the fridge ten minutes before you intend to use them, to allow them to
warm up. In the meantime, combine all the remaining wonton filling ingredients in a large bowl. Use the
back of a fork to mix thoroughly. - Place a heaped teaspoon of filling mixture in the middle of the top half of the wrapper. Wet your finger and
run a little water around the edge of the top half of the wrapper. Fold the bottom up and over the filling, so
it meets with the top edge. If square, bring the bottom corner of the diamond up to meet the top corner. - In a large pan with plenty of water and bring it to the boil. Add enough dumplings to create a single layer on
the water. It’s important not to overcrowd the pot, so cook them in batches if you are cooking lots. Stir
them gently as you bring the water up to the boil again. When the dumplings float to the top, they are
cooked. - In the other large pan bring your pork stock to a gentle boil; add the pak choi, mushroom and stirred egg
yolk. Once the dumplings float, use a slotted spoon to transfer them to your gently boiling pork stock. Bring
the liquid up to the boil again and allow them to cook for around three minutes. - Turn off the heat and season your stock with toasted sesame oil and plenty of white pepper to taste.
- Serve up six dumplings per bowl then pour over the liquid. Finish off with a scattering of chopped green
onions, and serve immediately.
A 料(餛飩肉餡):
- 大張的餛飩皮......300g
- 五花絞肉........250g
- 蝦仁..........150g
- 大骨湯粉.........1茶匙
- 白胡椒粉.........1茶匙
- 糖............1茶匙
- 米酒...........1茶匙
- 蔥末..........1/2碗
- 薑末...........1茶匙
- 清水..........1/2碗
B 料(湯料):
- 紫菜絲..........適量
- 蛋皮絲..........適量
- 燙青菜..........適量
- 大骨湯粉.........適量
- 蔥花...........適量
- 白胡椒粉.........少許
- 香油...........適量
- 蝦仁洗淨切段瀝乾水份、煎好蛋皮切絲、紫菜切絲備用。
- A料除了蝦仁及清水外,全部放入大碗中拌勻,清水分兩次加入,攪拌至絞肉吸收水分即可(可於此時用筷子沾點肉末試鹹味,並依個人口味做調整)。
- 湯匙挖取適量的餡料平抹在餛飩皮上,中間放入兩三段 蝦仁,再將四角輕輕捏緊,亦可調整成自己喜歡的形狀。
- 準備兩湯鍋,一鍋把清水煮沸後,加入大骨湯粉(鹹淡請依個人口味調整)、蔥花拌勻後熄火,再灑入少許白胡椒粉、香油。
- 另一鍋將清水煮至沸騰,放入青菜燙熟撈起備用。繼續放入餛飩煮滾後,關小火約續煮約5分鐘至餛飩熟
![Pork&PrawnWontonSoup Pork&PrawnWontonSoup](https://www.aplus-food.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/PorkPrawnWontonSoup-1-qco64jo0c68qv67de7pqdlvpleseqc1pg0uo26qayk.png)
Bak Kut Teh 肉骨茶
Bak Kut Teh
Ingredients :
- Pork ribs....... . . . . . . 600g
- Female Ginseng (dang gui) .. . 2-3 slices
- Chinese Licorice ........ 2-3 pcs
- Gogi berries ....... . . . . . 4g
- Garlic ........... . 3 cloves
Seasoning :
- Meat Soup Powder .. . . . . . . . 10g
- White pepper .. . . . . . . . . . 3-5g
- Chicken Powder ......... . . 5g
Instructions :
- Blanch the pork ribs in a pot of boiling water for 5-8 minutes to
remove the scum.
Cut into ribs pieces and leave aside in a bowl of cool water. - Place Female ginseng (dang gui) and Chinese Licorice into a
stock pot with ribs, garlic and add 1.5L of water, bring to boil.
Lower the rib pieces into the stock; cover and simmer for 1
Periodically remove any scum or blood clots on the surface of
the soup. - 30 minutes before serving, add the goji berries..
- Before serving, season to taste with meat soup powder,
chicken powder, and white pepper. - Serve Bak Kut the with blanched veggies, steamed rice and
chop chili in dark soya sauce dip..
- 猪肋排............. 6 00 公克
- 当归............... 2~3片
- 甘草............... 2~3片
- 枸杞............... 4 公克
- 大蒜............... 3 瓣
- 将肋排放入一大锅滚水(水量要覆盖肋排),锅盖盖住焖烧5-8分钟去除血水及杂质,等肉质变色后即可捞起並放入冷水中洗净
- 将当归,甘草,白胡椒粒等放入5公升滚水中持续煮沸; 放入汆烫后並切开的肋排,加盖並以小火焖煮1小时(可视需要,适时的捞起水面上的肉末等杂质)
- 约30 分钟后可加入枸杞一起熬煮
- 起锅前,加入大骨汤粉,鸡汤粉及白胡椒粉调味,可依个人口味斟酌加减调味料的分量
- 搭配蔬菜,白饭及生辣椒酱油,立即享用道地的新加坡肉骨茶风味
Shabu Shabu 單人美味小火鍋
Shabu Shabu
Ingredients :
- Noodle Mushroom... . . . . . 1/2 pack
- Slice meat ... . . ... . . 1/2 bowl
- Cabbage ... . . ........ 1/5
- Meat ball ....... . . . . . 1
- Egg ....... . . . . . . . . 1
- Udon Noodle ........ 1/2 pack
- Tofu ......... . . . . A little
- Water ......... . . . . 500ml
Seasoning :
- Meat Soup Powder .. . . . . . . . 1tsp
Instructions :
- Pour the meat soup powder into water, and then boil.
- Put all the ingredients in it, except the egg.
- When the meat ball up to the surface, put the egg in it.
- 金針菇...........半包
- 火鍋肉片........1/2碗
- 高麗菜.........1/5顆
- 貢丸............1顆
- 雞蛋............1顆
- 烏龍麵...........半包
- 豆腐............少許
- 水..........500cc
- 大骨湯粉.........1茶匙
- 將水加入大骨粉後煮沸
- 將除了雞蛋以外的材料加入
- 等貢丸浮起後加入雞蛋,簡單美味的小火鍋就出爐了
Fried Rice 蛋炒飯
Fried Rice
Ingredients :
- Rice (the rice must not be soft).... 2bowls
- Eggs .................2
- Green onion ............A Few
Seasoning :
- Oil................ 1tbsp
- Meat Soup Powder..........1tsp
- Sesame Oil .............A little
Instructions :
- Separate the egg white and yolks. Then Mix the yolks and rice.
- Heat the pan and add 1tbsp oil. Add a few green onion and stirfry
it. - Add the rice with yolks on the pan, and cook around 5~10
minutes. - Hollow out the fried rice, pour the egg white in the hole, and
scramble it. - At last, add a little sesame oil and keep stirring for a while. Then
enjoy the delicious fried rice
- 硬的白飯....兩碗
- 蛋.......兩顆
- 蔥.......少許
調味料 :
- 油.......1湯匙
- 大骨湯粉....1茶匙
- 香油.......少許
作法步驟 :
- 將蛋白跟蛋黃分開,蛋白裝碗備用,將蛋黃均勻伴入白飯之中。
- 熱鍋,倒入一湯匙的油,放入蔥花炒香
- 加入拌入蛋黃的白飯,若有飯結塊可用鍋鏟切散(不可用擠壓), 炒5~10分鐘
- 將白飯往鍋子四周推開,中間留出一個空間,倒入蛋白下去炒熟,再將蛋白打散
- 將蛋白.飯.蔥炒均勻後加入大骨粉一茶匙,和些許的香油,再繼續拌炒(鹹淡請依個人口味調整) 即可享用黃金蛋炒飯
Pork Ramen 豚骨拉麵
Pork Ramen
Ingredients :
- Ramen (Noodles) ... . . . . . . A bowl
- Corn kernel .. ..... .... 1tbsp
- Dried Laver ........... 1tbsp
- Chopped Green Onion ...... 1tbsp
- Cooked Fish Plank........ 2 slices
- Roast Pork (or Slice Meat) .. . . 2-3 slices
- Water ........... . 1.5 bowl
Seasoning :
- Meat Soup Powder .. . . . . . . 3/4tsp
- Creamer Powder or Fresh Cream . . 1tbsp
Instructions :
- Prepare two pots, mix 3/4 tsp of meat soup powder and 1.5
bowls of water, and then boil.. - Boil the slice meat and take out immediately (don’t make it
too cooked), and put them away in a bowl. - Put ramen (noodles) in the other pot which has boiled water.
After 5 minutes, put ramen (noodles) on the sieve to separate
the water, and then put them in the other bowl. - Add 1tbsp Creamer Powder (or Fresh Cream) into the 1/2
bowls of hot water, and then pour it into the pot of meat soup
powder, and you will get the white broth soup. - Put corn kernels, roast pork (slice meat), cooked fish planks on
the ramen (noodles), and then pour the broth soup in it. - Put dried lavers and chopped green onions on it. Then you can
enjoy your ramen (Noodles).
- 麵...............一球
- 玉米粒............一湯匙
- 海苔絲............一湯匙
- 蔥花.............一湯匙
- 熟魚板.............兩片
- 叉燒片...........2~3片
- 清水............1.5碗
- 奶精粉或鮮奶油........一湯匙
- 大骨粉..........3/4茶匙
- 準備兩湯鍋,一鍋將大骨粉3/4茶匙融入1.5碗的水中煮開
- 將火鍋豬肉片快速燙熟後撈起,裝碗備用
- 將麵投入另一大鍋滾水中,煮約五分鐘後,放入濾網中瀝
乾水分後,裝入等等要食用的碗中。 - 將奶精粉(或鮮奶油)以熱水1/2碗泡開,放入一開始的大骨
湯中,得到乳白色的濃湯。 - 將玉米粒、豬肉片、.熟魚板擺放在麵上,淋上湯汁
- 灑上海苔、蔥花後就可上桌囉
Cantonese-style congee 廣東粥底
Cantonese-style congee
Ingredients A :
- Rice..... .... 1 cu
- Oil ....... .. 1 tsp
- Salt .........A little
- Water .... .. 10-15 cups
- Dried scallop..2 pcs (optional)
- Bean curd sheet ... Optional
Ingredients B :
- Meat Soup Powder..... 1tbsp
- preserved egg ......... 4
- coriander leaves, chopped.. 1 bunch
- dried fish floss ....... Some
Instructions :
- Wash the rice and drain the excess water, add 1 teaspoon of oil
and a little salt and mix well. Keep aside at least three hours, or
refrigerated overnight. - Soak the dried scallop and Bean curd sheet in advance.
- Bring 10-15 cups of water to boil and then add ingredient A into
the pot. Use high heat bring it to another boil before lowering heat
to low heat, and simmer for 45-60 minutes. While simmering, stir it continuously till rice breaks down and liquid slightly thicken - Then, add in Meat Soup Powder and cook with high heat for 5
minutes. - Finally, pour the congee into the bowl and serve with preserve egg, coriander leaves and dried fish floss.
- 白米.......1杯
- 油...... 1小匙
- 鹽....... 少許
- 清水.... 10至15杯
- 乾干貝.. 2顆(可省略)
- 腐竹皮... (可省略)
B 调味料和配料:
- 大骨汤粉..... 1汤匙
- 皮蛋....... 4顆芹
- 菜末....... 1碗魚
- 鬆....... 適量
- 前一晚將白米洗淨後,稍微瀝去水份,加入1小匙的油與少許的鹽拌勻,放入冰箱至少三小時,或冷藏一夜備用
- 提前將腐皮、干貝用水泡軟
- 將鍋子放入10-15杯的水,煮滾後將A的粥底材料放入鍋中, 大火煮滾後,再轉小火續煮約45至60分鐘,煮的過程要適時攪動
- 將粥底熬至米粒開花成粥糊狀後,並加大骨汤粉調味,再轉大火續煮5分鐘
- 將滾燙的粥盛入碗中,最後於粥放上皮蛋,撒魚鬆芹和芹菜末提味,即完成美味的廣東粥!
Budae Hot Pot 部隊鍋
Budae Hot Pot
Ingredients :
- Korean Ramen (Noodles)...... 1pack
- Rice Cake ............ 200g
- Canned Meat........... 200g
- Slice of Fried Fish Paste ....... 150g
- Corn Kernel............150g
- Cheese............ 2pieces
- Kimchi ............. 200g
- Shredded Onion.........Half one
- Garlic Paste...........3pieces
- Chopped Green Onion ....... A few
- Cabbage..............1/4
- Water .............Half pot
Seasoning :
- Korean Chili Paste......... 1tbsp
- Meat Soup Powder ........ 1/2tbsp
Instructions :
- Cook onions and garlic first, and then put kimchi in.
- Add water and all seasonings (chili paste, depends on your
preference), and then boil. - Put rice cakes in for 1 minute, and then put canned meat, corn
kernels and the cabbage in. - When the cabbage is cooked, put ramen (noodles) in. The ramen
(noodles) should be half-boiled. - At last, put cheese and chopped green onions on it.Then you
finish your delicious budae hot pot.
- 韓國拉麵............1包
- 年糕............200克
- 午餐肉(罐頭肉)......200克
- 甜不辣片..........150克
- 玉米粒...........150克
- 起司..............2片
- 玉米粒...........150克
- 泡菜............200克
- 洋蔥絲...........1/2個
- 蒜末..............3瓣
- 蔥花..............少許
- 高麗菜...........1/4顆
- 水...............半鍋
- 韓式辣椒醬..........1湯匙
- 大骨湯粉.........1/2湯匙
- 爆香洋蔥跟蒜末,放入泡菜炒香。
- 加入水及所有調味料(辣椒醬可依個人口味調整),煮滾。
- 加入年糕煮一分鐘,再放入午餐肉、玉米、高麗菜。
- 等高麗菜熟後,加入拉麵,將拉麵煮到半熟。
- 最後加上起司及蔥花就完成美味的部隊鍋了!